Page 8 - Martin Shkreli Case Study
P. 8


                                                                     Shkreli often portrayed as an
                                                                     entrepreneur, hedge fund

                                                                     investor bought Turing
               Pharmaceuticals and then acquired and raised the cost of Daraprim, a
               life-saving drug for people with HIV and weakened immune systems
               from £13.50 per pill to £750 a 5,556% rise.

               Daraprim costs about $1 to produce and fights toxoplasmosis, the
               second most common food borne disease, which can easily infect
               people whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV,
               chemotherapy, malaria or pregnancy.

                       -  2010 GlaxoSmithKline sold marketing rights  of Daraprim to
                          CorePharma. Daraprim sold for $1 per pill.

                       -  2014  Impax Laboratories bought Core and affiliated companies
                          for $700m

                       -  2015 (Aug) Impax sold Daraprim to Turing Pharmaceuticals for
                          $55m. On the same day Turing announced it had raised $90m
                          from Mr. Shkreli and other investors.

               Daraprim is known generically as pyrimethamine and was first approved
               by the Federal Drug Administration in 1953
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