Page 6 - How Not To Cook The Books Article
P. 6

Moreover, over half of financial statement frauds involved overstating
               revenues by recording revenues prematurely or fictitiously. About half
               the frauds also involved overstating assets by understating allowances

               for receivables, overstating the value of inventory, property, plant and
               equipment and other tangible assets, and recording assets that did not
               exist. (2)  Unwin’s position and actions firmly placed him in this category
               when he introduced a gem stone, the Gem of Tanzania, into Wrekin
               Construction’s accounts (Appendices 2,3).

               Diagram 2

               According to the Global Fraud Study (GFS (2) (15)) the most commonly
               cited method of detecting fraud in cases perpetrated by owners and
               executives is the tipoff. The rationale for this is that internal controls tend
               to be negated by top-level officials who are uniquely positioned to over-

               ride even the best-designed controls.
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