Page 5 - Why I Like Case Studies
P. 5

Why I like writing case studies!

               The following attempts to lay out some personal

               experiences and observations of the influences and

               demands associated with the changing nature of the case
               study method.

                                           In a sense case studies are simply stories

                                           researched, developed and written to

                                           provide the reader with a cognitive and

                                           emotive dissonance that triggers an

                                           emergent awareness based on the

               ‘whodunnit’ scenario. The tools of analysis needed to solve

               the ‘problem(s)’ are initially provided by the teaching

               programmes and augmented through the experiential

               nature of the individual’s background and learning

               environment. The changes that have occurred in the case

               method have however, not substantially diminished this

               fundamental premise of case study development and use.

               My first issue with case studies arose from the recognition

               that generally, lecturers either lecture or teach. We have all

               come across lecturers who think standing in front of a class

               and reiterating, almost verbatim, the content of the slides
               they are using is teaching. In this scenario learning

               responsibility is passed to the students and class

               engagement is almost non-existent.

               For me, this was driven home in some graffiti found on a

               university toilet wall - Definition of a lecturer…...
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