Page 10 - Patisserie Valerie Teaching Note
P. 10


               Length - As a guide the length of the report should be

               around 2000 words.

               Write a report

               The report should use the theory discussed in your Lectures

               to highlight the key issues facing Patisserie Valerie case
               study. You are not required to cover all theory but focus on

               those areas that your research suggests are the most

               significant. Structure the report using appropriate theory

               from the module and back up this analysis with referenced

               data from a range of reliable sources.

               The report structure should be as follows:

                   ·  Part A - provide a profile of Patisserie Holdings plc. This
                   should consider the internal factors of the company. This

                   may include group structure, the number and locations of

                   people, financial detail and command and control over a

                   period of time, group objectives, etc. (around 500 words).

                   ·  Part B - analyse the key factors in the case study that

                   led to the collapse of the group and how they contributed
                   to the fraud. Consider also the market, competitors,

                   customers, suppliers, (around 500 words).

                   ·  Part C - an analysis of the key forces impacting auditing
                   and influence on business in general of the big six

                   oligopolistic auditors (around 500 words).
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