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We offer a range of products and services

           to ensure compliance with applicable

           hazardous waste regulations.

             Waste Management Services                         Industrial Services
             Every business generates waste.                   Need a deep clean? Putting
             Our goal is to help you manage                    together a major project? Our
             your waste better, by turning it                  industrial services expertise are
             into a resource.                                  available across the UK.

                                     Hazardous Waste                                 Asbestos Removal
                            Wastege are specialists in the                        Wastege offer asbestos
                               management of hazardous                          disposal, asbestos surveys,
                          wastes. 100% in compliance and                        asbestos consultancy and
                                    good friendly advice.                    asbestos disposal to Hull and
                                                                                           across the UK.

             Spill Control Products                             Liquid Waste Disposal
             Wastege now offer a growing                        Using the latest equipment
             range of Spill Control and                         and fully trained employees in
             Environmental Products.                            liquid waste disposal, we can
                                                                manage all types of liquid waste.

                                WEEE Waste Recycling                                            Training
                             We deal in every category of                      All our trainers are experts in
                            WEEE, we collect nationally in                     their field and have hands-on,
                            a range of bespoke containers,                 practical experience in their areas
                                 or on spillages. Nothing                        of expertise – often gained
                                       could be simpler.                             within Wastege itself.

                   Wastege Waste Management Limited, Gibson Lane, Melton HU14 3HN, T: 01482 821371, E:
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