Page 124 - Mentoring
P. 124
5. Removing sin
اَهرِّ َ َ ً ْ لذ ِ بوُنلذا نم نا : لاق مّلسو هيلع للها ىلص يبنلا نع ،هنع للها يضر ةريره يبأ نع
فكُت لْ َوُن
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فكُت اَمو لاَق ،
لاق ؟الله لوسر يَ اَهرِّ َ َ َ ِ ُةرمعلا لْو جحلا لْو مايصلا لْو ُةلَصلا
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ة َ شْيعملا ِ بلط ْ ِ فِ مومُملا
) طسولأا يف يناربطلا هاور ( َ ُ ْ ُ
From Abu Hurayrah Ra said, that the prophet says: "Surely among these sins there is a sin that
cannot be forgiven with prayer, fasting, Hajj and also ' Umrah." A friend asked, "What could be
the sin of the messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Spirit in Search for Rizki".
(HR. by Al-Austah in the book of)