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          Systems  for  managing  SSF  cannot  therefore  rely  on  an
          economic model based on licenses and fines as well as having
          fishers use the same tracking devices, unless that equipment
          cost is significantly reduced. This sounds simple, but as you
          begin to include smaller categories of vessels, the number
          of boats to monitor increases exponentially. Resourcing this
          level of management becomes ever more challenging.
          In  practice,  monitoring  small-scale  fisheries  means  a  flag
          state will need to scale from managing a few thousand vessels                            Credit: Roy D Palmer
          to  upwards  of  tens  or  hundreds  of  thousands,  with  their   Traditional fishers need to be consulted right from the start in order to ensure
          vessel IDs, licenses, time and zones of fishing, catch reports,   effective collaboration.
          and so on. This will generate an incredible volume of data,   A different economic model
          far exceeding the capacities of existing systems. Adapting for   First, equipment and services for traditional fishers must be
          SSF means not just adding more vessels; we must redesign   inexpensive and easy to use in order to be a viable solution.
          management platforms to pre-digest all that data and present   But in addition, we need to think of new ways to finance SSF
          it in ways that are actionable for stakeholders and decision-  monitoring. Recent technology advances have enabled new
          makers.                                              transmitters that are more affordable and better suited to SSF
                                                               needs, but who will pay for them? In some cases, an NGO
          In  addition,  small-scale  fishers’  everyday  work  differs   or international development agency may step in and pay for
          considerably.  For  example,  they  may  fish  any  species  they   the devices. This is good news for the fishermen, but raises
          find  while  using  a  variety  of  traditional  fishing  gears.  They   questions about the long-term: will the system work when
          often fish in groups; many are not full-time fishermen (they   the project is finished and the agencies (and their funding)
          may also be farmers or raise livestock outside of the fishing   leave?
          season).  They  do  not  necessarily  have  an  expensive  boat,
          gear or investments to amortise, so they think of their fishing   In some areas, we have seen the fishermen’s association play
          activity  differently.  If  we  simply  copy  the  industrial  model,   a large role, paying for the monitoring technology for their
          regulating things like mesh size of the net, or quotas based on   members, or in other cases, governments are choosing to set
          a limited list of species, it clearly will not work.  up public-private partnerships.
                                                               Data collection
          Small  fishing  communities  are  also  very  different:  in
          most  cases,  their  fishing  traditions  have  not  changed  for   The first issue we need to address is the considerable data
          generations  and  are  an  integral  part  of  the  community’s   gap in these fisheries, to gain better knowledge about where,
          identity. Moreover, the level of education can prove to be a   when, and how much they fish. Accurate information is the
          challenge. For these reasons, if an external agency comes into   first step to taking decisions to protect fishers, food security,
          the village to apply a new regulation from the top down, it will   and  fish  stocks.  The  FAO’s  Guidelines  for  Securing  SSF
          not work.                                            (
                                                               en/) calls for “the establishment of monitoring, control and
          A whole new approach is needed                       surveillance  (MCS)  systems  applicable  to  and  suitable  for
                                                               small-scale fisheries” and “systems of collecting fisheries data
                                                               with a view to ensuring sustainability of ecosystems, including
          There  are  clear  benefits  to  better  SSF  monitoring,  but  the   fish stocks, in a transparent manner.”
          approach must be collaborative. Traditional fishers need to be
          involved in developing these systems, getting their feedback   To achieve this goal, we need tracking devices adapted for
          from the beginning. Not only does this ensure it meets their   these  vessels,  meaning  that  they  be  affordable,  of  course,
          needs, but they can also see the benefits. This encourages   and  at  the  same  time  they  also  collect  data  automatically,
          them to adopt new practices and fosters greater stakeholder   requiring no action on the fisherman’s side: just install and
          engagement. In other words, we will need to demonstrate   then fish. The devices for tracking SSF must also provide a
          these  benefits  to  secure  local  fishers’  involvement,  but  in   secure data chain, be tamper-proof and theft-proof, and able
          doing so, those clear benefits will then support collaboration   to collect data wherever they fish. For this, a simple GPS or
          moving  forward.  In  formulating  a  possible  new  approach,   smartphone is not enough, because these fishers are often
          there are several factors that need to be considered.  forced to go far from shore, outside of mobile phone range.

                                                                             INFOFISH International 3/2020 ●
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