Page 23 - teenstuffacollectionofstories
P. 23

It is 8:15 in the morning, time to enter the school.

                  In all classes there are 3 groups:

                  The  bad guys

                  The followers of the bad guys

                  And those who study

                  At  11:15  the  break  begins,  Pablo  sat  in  a  corner

                  just to study because then he had to take an exam

                  and  the  group  of  bad  guys  came,  they  started  to

                  mess with him because they were in a place where
                  nobody  could  see  them.  At  11:45  p.m.  when  he

                  returned to class, Pablo had to take the exam.

                  Classes  ended  at  2:45,  as  always  bad  guys    went

                  looking  for  Pablo.  They  grabbed  Pablo  while  one

                  took  his  books  and  threw  them  on  the  floor  and

                  then hit him with two slaps. The bad guys left and

                  Pablo  He  picked  up  her  books  and  went  home

                  crying  because  they  always  did  that  to  her.  Pablo
                  came home and he did not want to tell his parents

                  anything.  In  the  afternoon  He  did  not  want  to  go

                  out  in  case  the  proxonets  hit  him  and  his  parents

                  made excuses for not going out

                  3  days  passed  and  the  same  thing  always

                  happened,  they  kept  hitting  Pablo  and  always  the
                  same ones. Pablo was already tired of being always

                  hitting  him  and  he  talked  to  a  friend,  he  told  him

                  everything they were doing to him and he also said

                  no  I  would  tell  ANYONE.  The  bad  guys  he  played

                  soccer  in  the  city  team  and  that  day  in  the
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