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a.  Analysis,  the  first  stage  in  the ASSURE  model  is  analysis. At  this  stage,  teachers
                       conduct a thorough evaluation of what they want to teach and to whom. This involves
                       identifying  learning  objectives,  student  characteristics,  as  well  as  obstacles  or
                       challenges that may be encountered. Good analysis becomes the basis for subsequent
                       decisions in designing learning media.
                   b.  Selection, after the analysis is complete, the next step is selecting the most suitable
                       method and media to achieve the learning objectives. This involves selecting relevant
                       learning resources, such as textbooks, software, or interactive media. Teachers must
                       consider a variety  of factors, such as technology availability, student  diversity, and
                       learning styles.
                   c.  Utilization Activities, this stage is when the media and methods that have been chosen
                       are used in teaching. Teachers must ensure that they understand how best to integrate
                       these media into students' learning experiences. This may involve developing lesson
                       plans that include the use of specific media or devices to explain concepts, illustrate
                       ideas, or test student understanding.
                   d.  Revision, evaluation and constant revision are an important part of the ASSURE model.
                       After  media  is  used  in  teaching,  teachers  must  collect  feedback  from  students  and
                       evaluate its effectiveness. If necessary, media and methods can be revised or adjusted
                       to be more effective in achieving learning objectives.
                   e.  Evaluation, the evaluation stage is the time to measure student learning outcomes. It
                       involves the use of various evaluation tools, such as tests, projects, or observations, to
                       determine the extent to which students have achieved learning goals. The results of this
                       evaluation can help teachers evaluate whether the media and methods used are effective
                       and whether there are changes that need to be made in future learning designs.

                       The ASSURE approach model provides a systematic approach to designing effective
               learning media. It prioritizes a deep understanding of students and learning objectives, as well
               as  the  appropriate use of technology and media to  achieve desired learning  outcomes. By
               following these steps, educators can improve their students' learning experiences and achieve
               success in their education..

                   3.  Anderson Model in Designing Learning Media
                       Anderson's model is a framework that helps teachers design effective learning media
               by combining technology in learning. This model recognizes three main components that need
               to be considered in designing learning media:
                          a.  Content, the first focus in designing learning media is the content. Content is
                              the  information  or  material  that  you  want  to  teach  students.  These  can  be
                              academic  concepts,  facts,  skills,  or  practical  information.  It  is  important  to
                              understand the content well, including the level of difficulty, sequence, and how
                              best to communicate it to students. For example, if the content is world history,
                              the  teacher  should  choose  an  appropriate  approach  to  presenting  this
                              information, perhaps using visual narratives or interactive resources.
                          b.  Teachers, the role of teachers is very important in designing learning media.
                              Teachers are responsible for planning and providing material to students. They
                              need  to  choose  teaching  strategies  that  suit  the  content  and  students  being
                              taught. Additionally, teachers must understand how technology can be used to
                              facilitate learning. This includes selecting the right tools and platforms as well
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