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Intellectual                                         that will benefit their family members.

           Property Law                                         Succession can be simple or complex depending
                                                                on the circumstances. The Attorneys at law in our
                                                                firm  advice  and  handle all types of  succession
           This is an area of practice we specialize in, it     matters to ensure that the deceased estate is
           involves aspects of law that include:-
                                                                preserved, including their assets and those of
                                                                their families as  well  as  reflecting  their true
           Entertainment Law                                    wishes. In particular under probate and succession

           Includes various areas of intellectual prop-         we deal with matters that include:-
           erty blending together to protect the                • Wills
           rights of authors, performers, owners and            • Trusts
           businesses for their creative accomplish-            • Succession (probate administration)
           ments.                                               • Power of Attorney, amongst others.
           Patent, Trademarks
           and Copyrights                                       Banking And Finance

                                                                The Firm's attorneys have specialized knowledge
           These are rights to owning distinctive
           invention, design, emblem, picture, logo or          and experience in banking and finance law to
           wording. We focus on registering these               enable   them    e ciently    assist  financial
           Patent rights for our clients and undertake          institutions in their day to day operations. We
           legal proceedings by litigating  and/or              advise clients on regulatory matters, lending and
           Alternative Dispute Resolution when an               prepare the essential documentation.
           Intellectual Property dispute arises and/or          We also advise and assist borrowers, buyers and
           when there is infringement..                         financial institutions in transactions, including,
                                                                asset acquisition and leveraged financing,
           Internet Law                                         securitization, project financing, restructuring
                                                                and    recapitalization,  banking  transaction
           Involves   domain    disputes,   copyrights,         documentation including bank guarantees,
           trademarks, breaching of licensing and privacy       letters of credit and other trade finance
           policies.                                            documentation.

           Probate, Succession
           And trusts

           Disposition of one’s property after death can
           preserve assets and benefit the surviving
           family  members. Upon  the  death  of  the
           deceased persons debts are paid and his
           assets are distributed after his of her demise.
           At Josan Attorneys we assist our clients in
           making wise decisions in their will and
           succession decisions
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