Page 12 - NorthamberCompass Magazine Issue 1
P. 12

Blustream                                                                        Video Distribution

          Unveils Cutting-Edge                                                             with the new Matrox

          Solutions for 2024                                                               Maevex 7100 Series

             lustream, a leader in AV   Complementing these   Moreover, addressing         Matrox Video's Maevex 7100 family of
          Bdistribution and control   matrix switchers is the   the growing demand
          solutions, continues to   HDBaseT™ Receiver     for high-quality signal          products primarily targets command
          push boundaries with its   RX18G, designed to   extension, Blustream             centre environments where high-quality video
          latest product launches   deliver pristine audiovisual   introduces the FVE4K-KIT
          in 2024. Spearheading   signals over extended   HDMI over Fiber extender.        distribution and management are critical.
          this innovation is the   distances utilising    This solution leverages
          introduction of HDBaseT™   HDBaseT™ technology.   fibre optic technology        High-quality Video      Secure Video            Remote Monitoring
          V3 technology in their 4x4   Its compatibility with   to transmit pristine 4K   Distribution            Transmission            and Management
          and 8x8 matrix switchers,   the latest 4K standards   signals over long distances,
          promising unparalleled   ensures future-proof   making it ideal for large-      Command centres require   Security and reliability   Command centre
          performance and         installations.          scale installations.            real-time access to high-  are crucial in command   operators need to monitor
          reliability.            Blustream doesn’t stop   Blustream’s commitment         resolution video feeds   centres, dealing with   and manage video feeds
          The HMX44-18G Matrix    there; they also introduce   to innovation and quality   from various sources. The   sensitive or classified   remotely. Maevex 7100
                                                                                          Maevex 7100 products
                                                                                                                  information. Maevex 7100
                                                                                                                                          products offer remote
          and HMX88-18G are       HD11CTRL-V2 the in-     shines through in their         provide high-quality video   products offer secure   configuration, monitoring,
          set to revolutionise AV   line controller, offering   2024 product lineup.      encoding and decoding   video transmission options,   and firmware updates
          distribution, boasting   enhanced flexibility and   With these cutting-edge     capabilities, ensuring video   to protect video streams   through a centralised
          support for 4K video    control over AV systems.   solutions, they continue     streams are transmitted   from unauthorised access.   management software
          at 60Hs with HDR and    This intuitive controller   to empower integrators      efficiently without     Moreover, Matrox offers   and a WebGUI, simplifying
          HDCP 2.2 compliance.    simplifies operation and   and end-users alike with     compromising quality.   error correction and packet   administration and
          This empowers users with   management, ensuring a   reliable, high-performance                          recovery mechanisms     troubleshooting tasks.
          seamless transmission of   seamless user experience.  AV distribution and control   Bandwidth           to enhance reliability,
          high-quality audio & video                      solutions.                      Management              minimising the risk of data   By addressing these
          signals over long distances.                                                                                                    common challenges,
                                                                                          With multiple video     loss or corruption during   the Maevex 7100 family
                                                                                          streams being transmitted   transmission.       of products empowers
                                                                                          simultaneously, bandwidth   Flexible Integration  command centre
                                                                                          management becomes      Command centres often   customers to efficiently
                                                                                          crucial. Maevex 7100                            manage and distribute
          HMX44-18G-KIT           HMX44-18G               RX18G                                                   consist of a diverse range
                                                                                          products feature advanced   of AV equipment from   high-quality video streams
                                                                                          bandwidth management    different manufacturers.   while ensuring security,
          Find out more, call the                                                         technologies, to optimise                       flexibility, and scalability in
          team on 020 8296 7399.                                                          network utilisation without   The Maevex 7100 family   their operations.
                                                                                                                  of products is designed to
                                                                                          sacrificing video quality.  seamlessly integrate with
                                  HD11CTRL-V2             FVE4K-KIT                                               existing AV infrastructure.

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