Page 24 - Post Summit_2019_AV
P. 24
20 “If human history is a swing between pessimism and optimism, we have to admit that a quarter of a century after the fall of the Berlin Wall in Europe, we are in a new moment of pessimism,” said HE Nusseibeh, setting the panel talk in context. “Whereas free trade was once seen as an ideal that nations once accepted for lifting populations out of poverty, there is a new voice for isolationism and protectionism and I think it would be true to argue that intolerance today and violence associated with intolerance seems to be widespread,” he said. Discussing the potential role for culture in a connected bi-polarised world, HE Nusseibeh admitted that although cultural identity can be used to bring cohesion to communities and to build bridges, rapidly developing technology can also be used negatively against other cultural groups and identities, depicting them as threats and enemies to be suppressed. The discussion ranged, asking: How is it best to avoid dangerous echo chambers that new technologies can create? What does responsible cultural diplomacy look like and how can it address these issues? How can the field of cultural diplomacy work in the face of populism to support and celebrate cultural diversity? “Culture overcomes hate because it does not use force but creativity and intelligence,” said HE Zapatero, who used the history of Spain, and in particular, medieval Andalusia - Al Andalus - as an example of culture and co-existence. “It unites us and teaches us to live together. There is no culture, civilisation or religion that is superior to any other.” Calling for co-operation between the East and West, and for all religions to strive for peace, the former premier advised that international organisations such as the G20, the European Union and the Gulf Co- operation Council to make culture and cultural diplomacy a priority. “We can make culture and cultural diplomacy a public good; now, more than ever before in history, we can transform the technological revolution into a force for peace,” he said.