Page 28 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 28
Vijaywada/ Hospet The keynote speaker in the seminar was a greater plane of nutrition for livestock
n an effort to share knowledge on how Dr. D Chandrasekaran, a retired professor and poultry production globally. Novus
particular feed additives can impact of animal nutrition in TANUVAS (Tamil Nadu Knowledge Form is a part of our continuous
Ipoultry production, Novus International Veterinary and Animal Sciences University). customer education program and aligned
hostedseminars on ‘Optimizing feed cost and Having published more than 75 scientific to our commitment to our core axioms of
laying performance by use of feed enzymes’ in articles in national and international journals, Solution, Services and Sustainability,” said
the cities of Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh) and Dr. Chandrasekaran is a renowned thought Neeraj Srivastava, managing director-Novus
Hospet (Karnataka) on 26 and 29 February leader, nutritionist and researcher in India South Central Asia.
2020 respectively. and the subcontinent. The sessions were moderated by Dr. Rajesh
Vijaywada and Hospet are prominent egg At the event Dr. Chandrasekaran talked Kharvi, senior marketing manager-minerals
producing areas in India. With increases in size about the increased challenges of availability and enzymes, and Ms. Manisha Pahadiya
and the number of commercial layer farms, and quality of feed raw materials due to product manager-feed quality and eubiotics)
challenges of getting good quality feed raw increased animal population, overall increase at Hospet and Vijaywada, respectively.
materials at competitive price is increasing. in feed cost due to fluctuation in raw material Anand Srivastava, Zonal head for South
Feed enzymes have become an important cost and impact of feed cost on farm’s India and Sri Lanka, briefed the audience
tool to improve the nutritional value of profitability. He emphasized that using feed about Novus International and its strong
feed ingredients, reduce feed cost, improve enzymes like protease, NSPase and phytase presence and foundation in feed additive
litter quality, all while improving the bird’s can help optimizing the feed cost and improve products based on science and research.
performance. Novus hosted these events with the nutritional value of feed ingredients. During the event, Dr. Milind Rainchwar,
an aim to provide insight on how to offset Depending on the corn/soy prices and the technical manager west and south India,
recent challenges of increased feed cost and to amount of substrate, the savings can be up explained that feed cost savings can be
improve profitability of layer farms. to Rs. 600 to Rs. 700 per metric ton of feed. up to Rs. 700/metric ton by using Novus
The seminar received an overwhelming Feed enzymes are helpful in optimizing the enzyme solutions owing to studies that
response with over 70 attendees from feed feed cost while improving the performance in show aggressive matrix values, capability
mills and farming businesses along with poultry birds, he said. to act at even low substrate conditions,
eminent knowledge/thought leaders from “We are committed to reducing feed thermal and gut stability. He talked about
the poultry industry. costs, optimizing gut health and supporting the key benefits of Novus enzyme solutions:
28 April, 2020