Page 62 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 62

POULTRY PUNCH                                                                          ARTICLE

                 Figure 10. Sunlight should not   Figure 11. Manure allowed to   Figure 12. Having the water
                 shine directly on birds. Use   accumulate reduces ventilation   tank inside the house keeps the
                 sufficient roof overhangs or   in cages.                     water cooler.
                 window shades to block sunlight.
                                                                                    12:00 pm                       2:00 pm                        4:00 pm                        6:00 pm                        8:00 pm                        10:00 pm                      12:00 am                        2:00 am                         4:00 am                          6:00 am                         8:00 am                         10:00 am
                 •   Remove manure from the house before the hot
                   season, if practical. Heat produced during the
                   decomposition of manure contributes to the                                                  No Feeding

                   heat load in the house. The presence of large

                   amounts of manure in shallow pit houses or                               Do Not Disturb Birds
                   under cage batteries restricts the movement of                                                                                        Drinking Water Flush
                   air.                                            Provide Feed

                 •   Environmentally controlled houses and curtain-

                   sided houses that can convert to tunnel                                              Provide Feed
                   ventilation are ideal in areas subject to high
                   environmental temperatures. Open houses
                   should utilize stir fans and fogging systems.

                 •   Insulated roofs reduce the radiation and

                   conduction of solar heat through the roof to the
                   interior of the house.                                                                                                                                           Provide Feed
                 •   Ensure the water system can accommodate the                                 Midnight Lighting

                   water demands for foggers and evaporative
                   cooling systems, and increased bird water
                   consumption. The availability of drinking water   Figure 13. Management schedule during times of

                   to a heat-stressed flock should never be   heat stress.
                 •   Remove unneeded metal objects from around houses (i.e., machinery, vehicles, nest boxes, junk)
                   that could radiate heat into open houses.
                  The key to minimizing the effects of heat stress is anticipating periods
                  of high environmental temperatures, and implementing appropriate
                  management and nutritional measures prior to the rise in temperatures.
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