Page 9 - Poultry-Punch April 2020 edition
P. 9


                                               Vol.XXXVI                  No. 6                  April 30, 2020

                  Single Copy : Rs. 60/-                                      25, THYAGRAJ NAGAR MARKET,
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             SUBSCRIPTION RATES:                                              TEL. OFF: 011-24694539,  RES: 011-24617837
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          One Year                Rs. 1000/-   PUNCH              MONTHLY
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          Three Years             Rs. 2500/-
                                                                          News in this issue
          Five Years              Rs. 4000/-   Aviagen India Research .........................................................................................16

          FOREIGN:                             Srinivasa distributes over 10 lakhs ......................................................................18
          One Year                 USD 150
                                               Proteon Pharmaceuticals, the parent company  .................................................20
           (By Air Mail)
                                               UNIVERSITY TRIAL DEMONSTRATES  .................................................................21
                        * * * *
                                               Poultry Products do not spread Coronavirus  .....................................................22
                     B. S. RANA
          Editor & Publisher                   Alltech: An Open Letter to Governmental  ...........................................................26
          Yogesh Kumar                         Novus Knowledge Forum Conducts Technical Seminar ....................................29
          Associate Editor
                                               INDIAN POULTRY INDUSTRY AND SOCIETY  ......................................................34
          Ms Shalini
                                               New Leadership at Novus aims ............................................................................36
          Magazine Planning
          Shishir Singh                        World Veterinary Poultry Association ..................................................................38
          Creative Designer
                                               IIT Guwahati collaborates ......................................................................................46
                        * * * *

          EDITORIAL BOARD                                                Articla in this issue
          Dr. S.V.S.Verma          Izatnagar
                                               CORONAVIRUS DO NOT SPREAD ........................................................................47
          Dr. D. Narahari          Chennai
          Dr. R. N. Sreenivas Gowda  Bangalore  Technical Update-Hy-Line  .....................................................................................49
          Dr. K.L. Sapra            Punjab
                                               Avian Corona Viral Diseases .................................................................................64
          Dr. D. Sapcota            Assam
          Dr. M. M. Chaudhari   Aurangabad     Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS) ....................................................................................72
          Dr. B G Mane        Palampur (HP)
          Dr. A. A. Khan     (Srinagar) J & K   Important Facts and Various Preventive ..............................................................74
          Dr. M. M. Chawak            Pune     Prebiotics as Feed Additive ...................................................................................80
          Dr. Niranjan Kalita       Assam
          Dr. Jyoti Palod         Pantnagar    How Bacteriophages and Feed .............................................................................84
          Dr. Vivek Bharadwaj                  QUALITY CONTROL RATION FOR POULTRY ......................................................87
          Dr. Amandeep Singh             Bareilly, UP
                        * * * *                Artificial insemination in Poultry ..........................................................................92
          VAISHALI            Administration   Phytoactives (Nubiotic) ..........................................................................................98

          PANKAJ RANA          Sales Manager
                                                    POULTRY PUNCH may not necessarily subscribe to the views expressed in the
                                                              advertisements and articles published herein - Editor

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