Page 29 - 2018 Someplace Special
P. 29


                                    ustin has a wide variety of healthcare providers to address
                                                                  counseling and medical family planning services for at-risk and low-income men
                  all your healthcare needs. From our large medical center, to services   Infant and Children (WIC) and more. A family planning clinic provides education,
      provided by Mower County, to private service providers, your body, mind and soul   and women.
      will be nurtured here in Austin.
                                                                  Search no further than Austin for mental health providers, whether connected to
      Mayo Clinic Health System brings world-class care to you, right here in Austin.   Mayo Clinic Health System or for other practitioners in specialty clinics or in
      They’ve welcomed new experts in new fields, expanded access to existing services   private practice. Austin has a number of well-established providers for dental
      and invested in the newest medical technologies, all with the goal of delivering   care and chiropractic care, in addition to professionals for massage, yoga and
      the best care close to home. In addition to primary care, the medical center in   acupuncture.
      Austin offers access to medical specialty, surgical, emergency, and hospital care.
      Many local specialists spend time sharing best practices and consulting with    Austin’s seniors are well served by a number of nursing and retirement homes, an
      experts in Rochester–traveling so you don’t have to! Additionally, you can access   active senior center, and memory care facilities.
      care through a nurse line, an express care clinic, online express care,
      telemedicine, or by connecting with the care team securely through a Patient    The Hormel Institute, a world-famous cancer research center funded and developed
      Online Services account. Urgent Care or same day clinic appointments are    by the Hormel Foundation, is located right here in Austin. It remains focused on
      available, and the Emergency Room is open 24/7.             the vision it has had since its beginning in 1942–to help humanity by improving
                                                                  health through scientific research. The Institute has made significant discoveries
      Mower Refreshed, a wellness movement that started with Mayo Clinic Health    that have advanced the health potential for people worldwide, including the
      System in Austin, is a connecting point for people in the Mower County area to   research and naming of omega 3, and finding natural cancer preventative
      share and develop ideas that grow wellness. This grass-roots organization is    compounds found in foods such as ginger and green tea. Discoveries such as
      reaching out to community organizations to encourage community-driven   these, any many more, lead to improved health and disease prevention around
      wellbeing that can foster health and resilience in individuals, families, and whole   the world.
      communities to make healthy living easier and more accessible.
                                                                  Local businesses are progressively working to provide easier access or even onsite
      A variety of community health programs and services are available through Mower   access to healthcare for their employees–just another way in which Austin is
      County, such as vaccinations, maternal and child health home visits, Women,   someplace special!
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