P. 33

However, it is not always possible for buyers to pay in cash. Many reliable buyers pay
                 given some terms to pay. Thus, the seller may allow a specified lapse of time before he collects


                     G.  ARREARAGES

                          One  of  the  big  problems  of  business  is  the  collection  of  unpaid  accounts.  With  the   M2_L2
                 widespread use of credit, many buyers tend to overbuy. We often hear of firms reprocessing some

                 appliances sold on credit simply because of the inability of buyers to pay. Even banks are not spared
                 from this problem.

                          In 1979, Central Bank Governor Gregorio Licaros mentioned that the total arrearages
                 of the entire banking system were still running high despite corrective efforts introduced by the

                 monetary authorities in the last few years.

                          Speaking before the meeting of the Bank Administration Institute, Licaros disclosed that

                 out  of  the ₱70 billion outstanding  domestic credit as  of  June 30, 1979, aggregate arrearages

                 amounted to ₱11.7 billion - an amount he described as "disheartening”.

                          Pointing  out  that  loans  extended  to  delinquent  borrowers  prevent  the  generation  of

                 incremental income and freeze a substantial portion of the country's financial resources, Licaros
                 urged the bankers to exercise discretion and sound judgment in extending to undertake a study on

                 the causes of problem loans, both  from  the  viewpoint of  the lender  and the borrower.  "These
                 studies," he said,  "should lead to  suggestions  for  remedial measures which the banks and the

                 monetary authorities could adopt." 1

                     H.  TERMS OF SALE

                          The most common terms of sale as practiced by many business establishments are defined

                          C.O.D.             -  Cash  on  Delivery.  Payment  is  given  on  the  day  the  goods  are
                          n/15, n/30, n/45   - Net due in 15, 30, or 45 days. No cash discount is offered for prompt

                   “Loan arrearages still high," Bulletin Today, July 11, 1979, p.16.

                 LESSON 2: DISCOUNTS AND COMMISSIONS                                                11 | P a g e
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