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About the Author

               Holistic and Natural Health Doctor, with over 45 years of
               training  in  psychology,  parapsychology,  food  therapy,
               energy  medicine,  naturopathy,  InterActive  Guided
               Imagery , biofeedback, trauma therapy, energy medicine,
               spirituality, and experiences in the school of hard knocks,
               Dr. Danielle empowers her clients to move from tragedy to
               triumph, chaos to clarity, fear to faith and transform PTSD
               (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) into PTSG (Post Traumatic
               Successful Growth).

               As  a  Professor  of  Quantum  Naturopathy,  she  developed
               many  accredited  courses  in  traditional  and  quantum
               naturopathy for health professionals. Dr. Danielle authored
               several  books  and  developed  Self-Health  Home  Study
               Courses  to  enable  her  students  to  meet  the  challenges
               (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) life on this planet
               throws their way.

               She  offers  key-note  lectures,  workshops,  webinars,  and
               private,  group,  telephone  and  online  consultations,  in
               English and/or French.

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