Page 3 - Daily News_20210914
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國內 ........................................................................................................ 3

                         「虱目魚」變身潮服配件!紡織業第 3 代 Tony 自創品牌

                         「Weavism 織本主義」,MIT 街頭時尚躍上國際 .......................... 3

                   國際 ........................................................................................................ 4

                         US textiles & apparel imports up 29.29% in Jan-July 2021 ................ 4
                         Trident produces 11,103 tons of yarn and 4,920 metric tons of Bath
                         Linen in August 2021; Stock hits new high ....................................... 4
                         Breaking new ground in Turkey’s textile industry ............................. 5
                         Flame Retardant Polyester Fiber Market 2021 With COVID-19

                         Impact Analysis By Product (Staple Fiber, Filament); By Application
                         (Textiles, Shoes, Nonwovens, Others) ............................................... 5

                         全球兩巨頭凍漲運價 ...................................................................... 6

                         匈牙利與 V4 國家會晤商議歐盟減碳  FIT FOR 55 政策議題 ......... 6

                         道德貿易倡議組織(ETI)呼籲各大品牌商離開緬甸 ........................ 7

                   原料 ........................................................................................................ 8

                         WTI 油價收盤反彈,本週開盤 WTI 油價維持強勁 ....................... 8

                   品牌 ........................................................................................................ 9

                         運動生活方式品牌 Lululemon 在武漢開設第二家門店 ................ 9

                         Peloton’s new apparel line takes on Nike, Lululemon ....................... 9

                         前  adidas  品牌負責人  Eric Liedtke  宣佈打造可持續性街頭服飾

                         品牌「Unless」 ............................................................................. 10

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