Page 26 - Doxology Presentation
P. 26

Summary of Design Ideas

                        •  The chapel conveys an offering of praise to God – a    •  The public can easily find and access this chapel.
                               physical Doxology and can be expressed either      •  Familiar campus materials are utilized
                               traditionally, or in a unique, iconic way.
                                                                                  •  Supporting spaces, such as offices, bride and groom
                        •  Order, light, and movement are key expressions and             rooms, and restrooms do not encumber the pure
                               represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.                architectural expression of a worship space.
                        •  A skylight with a view to the cross symbolizes access   •  A space for discipleship and small group meetings
                               granted by Jesus to the Father.                            supports the ministry of the chapel downstairs.
                        •  Twelve Chapel columns signify the twelve apostles.     •  The building is raised on a plinth to gain more visual
                               The twelve plaza columns signify the twelve tribes         prominence and peer out toward the canyonland.
                               of Israel. Together they reference the 24 elders
                               circling the throne of the Creator. Rev. 4:4       •  LED screen is on a lift and rises from the lower level
                                                                                          through the floor when needed.  Otherwise,
                        •  The opening musical measure of the “Doxology” is               technology does not dominate the space.
                               symbolically and prominently arranged in stone
                               and glass above the chancel.                       •  Music can be led from the back or front.  The organ
                                                                                          is not a visual focal point, but is in the balcony to
                        •  Outdoor gathering space has a high priority due to             support congregational singing.
                               covered outdoor worship and discipleship.  We
                               find this kind of space of high value during a     •  One may enter at grade through the lower level
                               pandemic.                                                  passing the water as through baptism.
                        •  An alternate site is proposed adjacent (but not within   •  Occasional vehicular access for special occasions or
                               the competition site) due to space needed.  The            handicapped parking is convenient, but unseen.
                               competition site could be used with a smaller      •  Fritted glass helps to protect birds from collision.
                               outdoor component.                                 •  Water harvesting is possible from the roof.
                        •  A parking deck at the closest possible location to the   •  The site is very near the main water detention and not
                               heart of the campus is attached to this alternative        on a primarily treed site.
                               site: a good way to fund a deck more easily than if
                               trying to fund alone.                              •  There may be a benefit for less pervious cover added
                                                                                          if placed in the Academic Plaza and a deck is
                        •  Axial views from approaching drives places the                 constructed on existing impervious cover.
                               chapel at the vortex of academic and student
                               activity, visually connecting all the plazas in the
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