Page 8 - Doxology Presentation
P. 8
Where to Locate the Chapel
Though we are open to locating the Chapel in the Owner-designated area, a major part of our idea is to
have an outdoor component of this space. The competition site makes creating a suitable and functional
expression of this idea difficult. For 500 attendees to enter, linger, visit, worship, be seen, and see friends,
safe indoor social distancing is not an option. But gathering together as a Body is a vital component of our
worship. Ekklesia, the assembled church arrives and discipleship begins when we rub shoulders as we come
and go. This outdoor space must be shaded, ample, and have an important place on the campus.
“All are theologians; that means every Christian. All are said to be theologians,
so that all may be Christians.” - Martin Luther
Additionally, our idea is for the Chapel design to encourage everyone to think theologically. While the
competition’s designated site is a possibility and at the heart of campus life, another site may have value in
this added outdoor feature and this is within the Welcome and Academic Plaza. This site, adjacent to the
competition site, has more public visibility for guest to the University, and complements the above quote by
Luther – that theology must pervade all our thinking and living.