Page 40 - 2022 General Brochure2
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FGMA takes great pride in partnering with our and refinement that will undoubtedly arise.
clients to build community, ensuring that we are The strategies embedded in FGMA’s SAP take
all active stewards of our environment. many forms ranging from strengthened green
Helping our clients make environmentally office practices and professional development
conscious decisions and bringing innovative activities to proactively educating our diverse
strategies to meet their goals is key to clientele, incorporating more sustainable
FGMA’s success and to our responsibilities design elements in projects, and documenting
as signatories of the 2030 Commitment, an our efforts through metrics and stories that
historic initiative. convey impact.
The goals and benchmarks of FGMA’s Architects play a critical role in creating
Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) are the guide to a sustainable future. We look forward to
fulfilling those responsibilities. We are excited to implementing the FGMA Sustainability Action
implement our SAP, track our progress and learn Plan and sharing lessons learned as well as the
from the opportunities for growth, improvement, results of our experience.
FGMA is proud to be a signatory of the
AIA 2030 Commitment in support of the
goals for reaching net zero emissions
in the built environment.