Page 65 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 FINAL
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               STRONGER TOGETHER!

               Founded in 1986 in Reston, Virginia, LeMay Erickson Willcox Architects was a leader in the design of
               public safety, religious and multi-family/mixed-use facilities throughout the mid-Atlantic and across the
               country. Having designed more than 150 public safety facilities, over 15,000 apartment units and more

               than 150 faith-based facilities, we were looking to expand our reach and capabilities. When the Principals
               of LEWA met with FGMA, it was clear that we shared the same values and growth strategies, and our
               current capabilities could only be enhanced by the combing of firms. This partnership would expand our
               strength and national leadership in public safety and faith-based design, and with the diversity of our
               studios, provide opportunities for cross-sector marketing allowing for previously unrealized growth
               potential. As LEWA, our market share covered more than 15 states from 1 office with a staff of 20. Under
               the FGMA umbrella, we have become STRONGER TOGETHER, supported by a team of more than 180
               staff, in 8 offices, with a larger national footprint. Together we will continue to build communities and
               opportunities for people to live, work and play.

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