Page 3 - 2023 Rec Field Brochure
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Your Recreation Partner
Designing successful recreation facilities is a specialty We live and breathe recreation projects. We
that you should not entrust to just any architect. Your understand the nuances of how you will program
organization is making a significant capital investment and operate your facility to benefit you with a
and, in return, deserves to work with a partner who very functional design. We are passionate about
walks you confidently through the process. recreational design. We care about our clients.
We want to develop a vibrant new recreation facility FGMA is a “community-based” architecture firm.
that is not only on budget and on schedule, but We are dedicated to enhancing communities though
also invites the public in, increases your revenue- environments that make up the landscape of our
generating potential, has high energy, is functional, daily lives. Over our 75-year history as a business—
environmentally sustainable, low maintenance and through work with countless municipalities—
and uniquely suits your community’s needs. FGM we have honed a set of values that have at their
Architects (FGMA) has worked hard to develop and core commitment, integrity and people. These
deliver a reputation for exactly that. ideally guide everything we do.