Page 3 - 2022 Faith Based Brochure 03.02
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Who We Are
FGM Architects works with people
and organizations that serve others
and impact lives.
At FGMA, we call ourselves a community-based architecture firm.
That is, our practice is dedicated to enhancing communities through
environments that make up the landscape of our daily lives.
VALUE DELIVERED THROUGH the member/donor base. We are also expert
COLLABORATION campus master planners, exercising diligent
stewardship of donor funds to ensure each
We collaborate closely with each client to phase of incremental growth unfolds wisely.
develop thoughtful, cost-effective, and
highly functional designs that are beautifully A CUSTOMIZED AESTHETIC
aligned with our client’s mission. We deliver
an exceptional value of service from start We responsively tailor our design approach
to finish, and emphasize a strong client to the needs, character, priorities, and vision
relationship as the foundation of any of each client and project. In 75 years of
successful project. We want to hear what business this philosophy has yielded a diverse
design challenges and dreams you have, and and vibrant portfolio ranging from modern to
we look forward to serving alongside you. traditional, with many things in between.
Throughout our firm’s history, a large share of
our clients have been not-for-profit entities. We understand what it takes to design and
Because most such groups are donor-funded construct every aspect of a successful church
and volunteer-supported, we work closely building from the inside–out. FGMA’s staff
with design committees to build consensus – has the hands-on experience to address
involving stakeholders and end users in key any need presented by our clients’ program
phases of each project – to ensure our design requirements, and to guide the design
beautifully aligns with each client’s mission. process toward the best, flexible, and long-
We deliver top-notch fundraising graphics to term solutions.
support capital campaigns, and to energize