Page 13 - Doxology Presentation for flip_Neat
P. 13
How to Shape the Chapel
Meaning, Form, & Symbol
• Both a part of student life and student thought, not one or the other. Integrated into all academic
pursuits. Hence, our proposed location in the Academic Plaza.
• Order and Regimented Structure. Hence, our proposed 12 Lenticular Trusses on 12 stone pillars.
• One major light from above, with smaller lights dancing, as through oaks. These two features reference
1.) an other-worldly light, and 2.) the light of this world found in nature.
• Wonder of movement in a static building, waves as though being hovered over.
• Covered outdoor space to gather prior to entry – connection to site, nature, invitation to enter.
• Axial views to make this a flagship feature of the campus.
• Path through darkness into light: Ground level at-grade entrance provides accessibility, while steps
provide a grander connection to the Welcome and Academic Plaza.
• Baptism: Reflecting pool upon entering at lower level is symbolic of our entrance into the family of faith
through the waters of baptism.
• Musical cues: lyrical elements referencing music, especially for worship.