Page 16 - 2022 Faith Based Brochure
P. 16

Why Do We Design?

               Authenticity arises from a design that

               is rooted in your mission. Our desire

               is to help your mission bear fruit.

               Church facilities for worship, outreach, education, and fellowship provide a setting that will
               facilitate the nurturing and health of our families, and the healing, restoration, and spiritual
               growth of each member of the Body of Christ in this broken world. We approach our role as
               Architects in this process seriously and with gratitude.

               THE ENVISIONING PROCESS                CHURCH’S MISSION

                                                      Your congregation’s God-given character and calling is
                                                      foundational for all aspects of growth and planning.

                                                      STRATEGIC MINISTRY PLAN

                                                      Priorities, goals, and methods for realizing your mission,
                                                      based on input from leadership and stakeholders.

                                                      ‘BIG PICTURE’ DESIGN CONCEPTS

                                                      A set of principal core concepts authentically based on
                                                      your mission will initiate, define, and guide the entire
                                                      facility design process.
               Every house of worship is different
               because each church community          FACILITIES MASTER PLAN
               is gifted with a unique calling. We
               tailor our services to fit your precise   A facilities master plan integrates all available
               needs.                                 knowledge of your assets, history, and goals to
                                                      anticipate short and long-term needs.

                                                      SPECIFIC DESIGN SOLUTION

                                                      Our design translates the planning work and design
                                                      concepts into a cohesive set of tailored solutions that
                                                      balance the needs and constraints of the project,
                                                      ultimately laying a foundation that will support the
                                                      flourishing of your mission.
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