Page 5 - 2022 Faith Based Brochure
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FGMA’s Faith-Based Leadership Team
Bob Galloway, AIA, CSI Kennedy Colombo, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Principal Principal, Practice Area Leader
David Polkinghorn, AIA Allison Stoos, AIA
Principal Associate
“We worked with FGMA on our most recent “They helped us address all issues with
building project, and we were extremely listening and collaboration. We were not
pleased. I would recommend this firm without disappointed. They were very professional.
any reservations.” Without hesitation, I am proud to recommend
~ The Austin Stone Community Church FGMA.”
“FGMA’s experience, diligence, and creativity ~ St. William Catholic Church
helped us get a better result than we had “We’ve used them for years, for projects
even imagined. I highly recommend working large and small. FGMA creates award winning
with them.” designs, and every member of their team is
~ Redeemer Presbyterian Church a joy to work with. I highly recommend them
“We just completed our third major project for your next project.”
using FGMA as our architects. … I have no ~ Shoreline Church
hesitation recommending them and will “As far as I am concerned, First Baptist
certainly keep using them.” Georgetown will never interview another
~ Grace Covenant Church architect. I cannot imagine building another
“They are very good to work with, and I building without FGMA being a part of it.
encourage you to engage their help in They take much of the stress, frustration and
designing your facility. We would not use consuming of time out of the process of
anyone else.” building a church building.”
~ Austin Baptist Church ~ First Baptist Church Georgetown