Page 11 - The Digital Cloth holiday issue
P. 11

When I work in my studio I feel really connected   Impress your guests this festive season
 to the farm and my family. Both my brothers, my
 sister and my dad all work on the farm with Gus
 so being their working on site with them kind of   with your own
 makes me feel like I am part of it. There is always

 a lot of movement Tractors and trailers of hay
 going in and out, the milk tanker picking up the   Grazing Table
 milk, moving the cows over the road on horse-
 back and the consistent run of visitors coming
 and going it’s a pretty interesting place.               Shopping list and photo courtesy of Mel Sharkey

 Gus and I have also built this really beautiful
 relationship too! He has this real love for flowers
 that I never knew he had, as he has gotten a little

 bit older now and can’t do as much of the farm
 work, he seems happy to spend a bit more time
 in the studio with me.
 He loves to see what I bring home from the
 flower markets. He likes to know what bride I
 have week to week and where they are getting
 married. He loves when I use vibrantly colourful
 flowers he likes to have his input we sometimes
 agree to differ.

 My favourite days of the week are market days!

 seeing the abundance of flowers at the markets
 also dropping the bridal flowers off to my brides.                             Shopping List
 I feel like being a florist is such a special thing.
 It’s not often you can meet with a person on the                               200gm mild danish OR hungarian
 happiest most exciting day of their life.                                      salami
                                                                                200gm Hot supresso salami
 It’s something that gives me such an incredible                                2 Cabonossi Sticks
 buzz. I think It would have to be my favourite
 part of being a florist, I am always so nervous                                2 large carrots
 before dropping off the bridal bouquets I put a                                1 large cucumber

 huge amount of love and energy into creating                                   2 punnets cherry Tomatoes
 them I just hope with everything I have my bride                               1 red capsicum
                                                                                1 small bag mixed lettuce leaves
 loves the bouquets as much as I do I always love
 working on jobs where there is an emphasis on                                  cheese of your cchoice.
 full open blooms such as garden roses Hydran-                                  i use a Blue vien, mersey valley vin-
 gea and Singular specimens of the most incredi-                                tage, brie, camenbert and tasty.
 bly special blooms such as trails of stephanotis or
 phalaenopsis orchids.                                                          Biscuits of your choice
                                                                                Chocolates of choice. - i used
                                                                                wrapped twirls, cherry ripes and
 Caroline Miller                                                                sprinkled MnMa

 Flowers On The Mill                                                            Get creative when you place each
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                                                                                        your grazing posts
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