Page 23 - The Digital Cloth holiday issue
P. 23

Many years ago, I walked into a   A few months ago, I also discovered   I soon sold my rabbits and along with
                                                              other things to help raise enough money
 beautiful little shop and all around me   rabbits. The most beautiful knitted   to sponsor a camera kit in our beautiful
 was monkeys, monkeys made from   animals designed by Claire Garland   grandson Henry’s name and this camera
 socks. Monkeys everywhere hanging   (@dotpebbles_knits). And again, I fell   kit was donated to The Royal Hospital for
 from the roof, on shelves and snuggled   in love, this time with Claire’s little
 up in every corner.  Most were dressed   rabbits. The lovely Clair allows us to   Women NICU Randwick NSW earlier this
 in all sorts of lovely outfits and I fell in   use her patterns to make and sell our   A camera kit is a camera, printer and
 love.  I knew I had to find out more and   rabbits.          photo paper kept at the hospital so the
 make one.   As I was raising money for Heartfelt in          staff can also take photos. And the family
 Well, one monkey went from one to   Australia,  for those that haven’t heard
 many more. I made them for friends   of Heartfelt, they are a wonderful   can have photos given to them straight
                                                              away, and as you can only imagine how
 and then each grandchild as they came   group of professional photographers   very precious these photos are.
 along. I have gifted them to little family   who give their time and give the gift of   Who knows what I may make next, but I
 members and friends when they have   photographic memories to families   have enjoyed making these toys now for
 been very sick, wrapped beautifully and   ( in hospital) who are experiencing
 posted to brighten the long days spent   premature births, babies born   many years! It’s a love I have.
 in hospital.   sleeping, or babies/children who have
 I made a family of monkeys for a dear   serious and terminal illnesses.  A   Carol x
 little family member who was   loving gift package with a USB and
 terminally ill and gave them to him at   photos is then gifted to the family as
 different times as surprises.  their lasting memory.
 And of course, mummy and daddy monkey had tiny twins and we
 named one twin Charlie and one twin Teo.
 I am making a monkey at the moment who will be wearing
 cochlear implants as we all know monkeys can have hearing loss
 too. This monkey is going to a lovely little boy who cannot hear
 and he will be operated on next month and fitted with cochlear
 implants. So, I will be wrapping and posting monkey next month
 to the hospital.

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