Page 50 - The Digital Cloth Issue 7
P. 50
I vary the thread thickness and make many kinds They love to run their fingers over the stitches, feel
of decorative stitches: embroidery knots, running the soft fuzzy wadding at the back and stare at
stitches, seeding, and long and short stitches for a the labyrinth of messy knots and tangles that hide
wild, freestyle, stitch-saturated quilt piece. behind the work, and sometimes a collage will
I love to mount finished collages in vintage disappear from my workspace. Sometimes I find
embroidery hoops to hang on a wall, but they also them playing with it, or awhile later I’ll discover
become playthings for my daughters. My girls, it stored among their treasures. To me, there’s no
who are ages five and two, are fascinated by these higher praise.
small bits of art quilt.