Page 23 - The Digital Cloth issue 2
P. 23
My art quilt workshops are flexible close to our three children and our Writing a book is something which
- students can choose to work from grandchildren. I have never done, and I plan to put
one of the patterns I have, which a great deal of effort into that. I am
include the pair of elephants, a frog, In 1987 we had the good fortune to very excited to have the
an iris, a rose or a waterlily, for move into a rental house in which opportunity to teach and at
example. Most of these workshops the prior occupant was a quilter. Houston in 2019 and in Australia
have some media added, from One of her magazines landed in next year with Caroline in Urunga
coloured pencils, oil pastels, ink our mailbox a month later, and I and Mandy in Mildura, 2020 I will
(both All Purpose and Inktense) was absolutely taken by the beauty also teach a quilting cruise to
and water-soluble pastels by Caran of the work. I knew I had to make Alaska, also fun! I hope to squeeze
D’Ache. My focus has been realism one. in some work time on new art
in raw edge now for a few years, quilts as well.
and I do use a variety of media in The best place for you to see images
my work to subtly add shading, is on Sandra’s website.
highlighting, texture lines, etc. I
have used, but do not prefer paint.
Paint works, of course, and other
people use it, but I think it changes
the hand of the fabric more than I
I was born and raised in Michigan,
and grew up near Lake Huron. The
beauty of the water is still a part of
me, and I long to be there still. I
currently live in California, with
my husband of 35 years Bill, and