Page 3 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 3

Here we are again, another
 Pondering….                 fabulous issue filled
 There has been plenty of time for that     with so many
 lately which is a good thing!  To stop    incredible artists

 and listen to those thoughts and inner    from so many different
 voices. I know I have spent the past 15    genres and forms of
 years travelling to work with so many all   art.
 over and being able to stay, stop and   Im sure you have already
 listen has been both scary and   read Carolines messgae
 comforting. I said to a dear friend   and how she has had time
 recently that I feel like we are all in   to ponder. If only that was
 a holding pattern floating from day to   the same story in my life.
 day waiting for the crazy wheel to start   Deffinately no pondering
 up again. I am a firm believer that it   over here... these past few
 will not be the same again for me anyway,   months have been a

 this time spent in my creative space has   roller coaster to say the
 helped revitalize my direction and my art   least. Not only designing
 practice.  WIN THIS         two emagazines for The
 Working on this magazine and connecting   Digital Cloth including our soon to be released
 with all the creative contributors   By simply purchasing issue   Holiday Issue second edition but also, we
 continues to excite me as I watch the   6 of The Digital Cloth you   finally moved into our new home so trying to keep
 progress that the magazine is having.   are automatically entered   the balance and routine calm while transitioning
 I want this Emagazine to continue to   into this awesome   our girls over, both Ben and I working full time
 succeed so that it is a place that lifts   canvas print giveaway from    and setting up and styling our

 people up and shows them that their work   b.sharkey photography. an   home while project managing
 matters, that they count! that is the   aerial shot of the   Gold Readers   the landscaping team. Throw
 driving force….  mangroves.                                   in a couple of Birthdays, and
 I believed in this so strongly   Happy reading and good   GIVEAWAY  the demands of motherhood and
 and is MY BIG WHY!  luck, prize drawn                         there isnt much time left in
 YOU our valued READERS play a   November 30th, 2020 and       the day to “ponder” or that
 huge part in this success and   winner anounced               thing called “self care”.
 I thank you always for your   December1st.                    We are so lucky to live here
 Support to these Artists,                                     in Australia and more so in
 Creators and supporters of                                    regional NSW with the
 the Arts. Thank you so much.                                  current world pandemic under

 Keep spreading the word and                                   control where we are, we have
 sending us your ideas, comments                               been able to connect to plan
 and recommendations we appreciate                             for the future of The
 hearing from you.                                             Digital Cloth. In this issue,
 Happy Creating                                                     keep your eye out for the
 Caroline                                                           free workshops,
                                                                   competitions and giveaways
                                                                   we have happening.
                                                                   Remember to click on the
                                                                  internet, youtube and
                                                                  social media icons to send

                                                                 you to each artists sites.
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