Page 37 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 37

in your design, it will read as   specific   techniques to be   painting.  The
 sky.  It could be green,   taught in class. I make these   unpredictability of wet
 orange, purple or all three   samples up in 6-8 colour   washes on the wet fabric, the
 colours, and it will still read   schemes (Colour samples   transparency of the medium
 as sky.  The area can be   1-4). I have found that after   and the possibility of coming
 pieced, mosaic tiled, fused   looking at how the very   up with exciting accidents,
 strips of fabric, or a hand   different colour schemes are   all contribute to the range of

 painted sky.  As long as the   all effective in their own way,   effects that can be achieved.
 colours of the rest of   students are often motivated  I have been known to paint
 landscape work in harmony   to let go of the realistic   fabric after midnight, if I am
 with the sky, it will be   colours, and push their   on a roll working in the
 credible.  colours to a new level.   studio.   It is quick, more
 The colour of the sky dictates  As well as experimenting   manageable than dyeing
 the colours and tones found   with different palettes of   fabric, and can be dried with
 in the entire landscape. For   colour for my skies, I have   a hairdryer. And by
 instance, if you want to   also played with texture and   overpainting commercial
 portray a cool stormy sky to   construction. I have   fabrics, you can produce a
 give your painting unity, the   constructed skies using   wonderful range of textures

 cool greys and blues that are   pieced squares or diamonds,   in your chosen colour palette.
 used in the sky will need to   have tiled areas of sky on a   Of course, there are some
 be reflected back in some   base fabric, have fused   designs where the sky can be
 way into the foreground.   overlapping strips and I am   a small supporting element
 (Outer Hebrides 2)  still continuing to play with   in a landscape or secondary
 I know that for me,   this wonderful area of my   to a major architectural
 playing with colour, is the   design. When challenging   subject. (see Point Lonsdale
 most seductive aspect of my   myself to come up with   Jetty).  The key factor then is
 work.  But I also know that   something new for the next   to make sure that the colour

 for many, it can also be the   retreat at Uluru, I combined   of the sky works with the
 most confusing and   two different elements   main features and does not
 challenging aspect.    -sections of hand painted sky  cause a distraction.
 Understanding the properties  interspersed with areas of   I believe that over the years I
 of colour and studying some   strips placed on an angle to   have found the sky to be my
 colour schemes does give you  add movement.  ally and have enjoyed
 a base to build on. Learning   The sky is lighter in colour   manipulating its surface to
 about colour takes time. It is   towards the horizon. Looking  become a feature of my work.
 a journey – but far from   for fabric that has   Try becoming a ‘student of
 arduous and boring, it is a   graduations of colour and   the sky’.  Give your skies
 journey full of exploring,   value, I have found it   character and even

 creating and having fun.   difficult to source suitable   celebrity status, making
 commercial sky fabrics.   them an expression of your
 Over the years, one of the   Initially in desperation and   own personal vision.
 teaching tools that I have   now by choice, I paint most of
 created for many of my   my sky fabric using a range
 classes, is a series of small   of different fabric paints. The   Gloria
 quilts highlighting different   behaviour of fabric paint,
 colour schemes. I choose a   when applied to wet base
 simple design based on the   fabric, lends itself to sky
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