Page 45 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 45

Was there a moment you remember
                                                                          as a highlight at the beginning of your

                                                                          I think I have spent the last 11 years of
                                                                          my 15 years not even looking back as I
                                                                          have never had a moment to take stock,
                                                                          it’s always stressing over the next thing.
                                                                          One moment when I think back is
                                                                          when I did Debbie Harry’s portrait that
                                                                          weekend when I first used denim on my
                                                                          bedroom floor, I made Debbie
                                                                          Harry - because of her connections to
                                                                          denim so then to do the portrait for real
                                                                          a few years after was quite a moment.
                                                                          I only do official portraits now after
                                                                          those early days, it’s interesting that I
                                                                          am drawn to artists that use unusual
                                                                          materials like I, and many of us started
                                                                          off this way - making faces, and then
                                                                          finding our own style and voice in our

                                                                          And now what is your most
                                                                          memorable time during this journey
                                                                          in your Textile Art practise?

                                                                          I would rarely call myself a textile artist,
                                                                          I’m an artist. labelling can pigeon hole
                                                                          you and many times I find a different
                                                                          mindset. Besides, I came from such a
                                                                          different background, I love street art
                                                                          and it was that attitude that got me back
                                                                          into art in the early 2000’s and I’ll be
                                                                          honest, I knew nothing of Textile Art.
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