Page 72 - The Digital Cloth Issue 6
P. 72
Protective Art Mask… on Tour! taken to feeding them on mass once
Everyone feels the same I’m sure I heard many are still starving; well,
that 2020 has been a year to certainly not in my yard.
remember. Some have faired much When Caroline asked me to make a
better than others and have taken mask, I must admit in my little
to lockdowns, lockouts, almost as bubble of my world I didn’t think if
a freedom to use the time to reflect, the invitation had been extended to
create, rethink what I almost think others. I thought it might have been
are times we took for granted. part of the Saturday evening Bobbin
In a way this year feels like we have Dazzlers. I procrastinated & then
unplugged ourselves from the life found a scrap of fabric & thought I
we knew and we’ve had to best start. As I started to play I
rewrite our scripts and start again. realised that this piece was a
How wonderful that we can; how documentation of some of the
wonderful that we are able to feelings that had entered my head
reinvent our lives. since March. It became a history
Personally, the year has made me piece that perhaps might end up
appreciate home, the garden, somewhere sometime in the future
taking more time to look at the like a time capsule in thread (if it
everyday things around me. The lasts that long).
long drought of 2019 and the fires of How exciting that so many of us
last summer are still taking their toll took up the challenge. I can’t wait
for some. I know I’ve never seen so to see them all in the flesh and think
many birds in my yard & I’ve they will make an amazing
travelling exhibition. I asked
Caroline if I could gather them for
my Berry Textile Retreat &
Exhibition for 2021. I’m sure we’ll
find venues to host this as a textile
event; it needs to be seen – each
mask needs to be seen, presented as
an event.
Thank you
Elizabeth Dubbelde
Read Traccey’s frontline story
Kerry Hay