Page 21 - The Digital Cloth Issue 3
P. 21
I am a professional Mixed about memories and
Media Artist based in the heart experiences they have had
of Cheshire; I create work themselves.
from my studio at home. I
originally studied on a Fashion During My Master’s Degree in
and Textiles degree and Fashion and Textiles I
later went on to gain a PGCE discovered ‘wabi Sabi’ and the
In Adult Education. I taught ethos of ‘beauty in
art courses for over a decade imperfection’; this really
at numerous levels and finally captures my inspirations and
I ended up teaching on a the work which I produce, I
Foundation Degree, I loved am influenced by tactile aged
working with adults that surfaces like peeling paint on
shared the same passion for walls and fabrics which are
art and making as I do. In threadbare but laden with
2014 I made the decision to memories and stories to tell. I
leave my teaching career and like to photograph and record
become a full-time elements of trace, things that
artist.... from which I have indicate a remnant or mark of
never looked back!! something previous. I feel that
these recordings come through
My style has been described as in the tactile surfaces which
quintessentially English, I create in my mixed media
romantic and nostalgic. pieces.
My work explores the
richness of light, the
colour and the
texture that I see
around me. Often
focusing on rugged
northern landscapes
with brooding skies and
lighter coastal scenes
that are based on the
memory of a place or a
childhood holiday. Each
piece I produce is
usually made from a
collection of
places which I have
visited both as a child
and more recently as an
adult. I don’t want the
viewer to be anchored
to one place but,
instead, reminisce