Page 37 - The Digital Cloth Issue 3
P. 37

But most importantly I make work   Bernina Clam version with screen
 to educate the quilter. Learn to   shots from my Bernina 770 showing
 use that beautiful machine they   the features, when to use them and
 have, learn to use their   most importantly why we use them.
 decorative stitches, learn to   I self-published this book com-
 machine quilt efficiently and with   plete with a 4-piece template set
 that comes such a wonderful sense   It was daunting at first and now I
 of achievement. I am all about   am thrilled with the response. The
 education.  book is receiving great reviews
 My latest book is called   all over the world.
 Glamorous Clams Bernina Special   The book is available through
 edition. Glam Clams is a fabulous   Bernina dealers and for dealers
 skill building book with step by   through my web site to register.
 step photos and instructions for
 every process from colour pallet   I really love making new quilts
 selection, threads, stitching,   and writing the book to accompany
 machine feet and using the   the quilt. My students love them
 wonderful Bernina features to get   and they want the whole
 the very best from your Bernina   collection.
 machine.   I have some wonderful
 There is so much wonderful   international teaching gigs lined
 technical information, the how   up for 2020 in some amazing
 to use your Bernina machine, in a   countries through Bernina dealers
 step by step common sense book.  which I am very excited about too.
 I set about to write a new   Good things to come…

     Deb Louie
    has kindly
 offered one of her
 Glamorous Clams booklet
 and ruler sets to win in
 this issue of the Digital

    Cloth…You are
 automatically entered
 into this draw with your

    purchase of the
 Digital Cloth before
  Feburary 10th, 2020
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