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Issue No.35 by Media and Communication Sector

         Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Summit - Gains and Ambitions

        By  establishing  a  fund  to  compensate  for  losses  and  damages,  the  27th

        Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on

        Climate Change (COP27), which was held recently in Sharm El-Sheikh, has
        taken a robust step on the path to achieving climate justice and embodying

        the required international solidarity in addressing the phenomenon of climate


        The Summit’s resolution to establish this fund to compensate for damages

        and losses, regardless of its financing mechanism, is a historic gain for the
        developing and least developed countries, especially the Arab and African

        countries, which defended the initiative. (More...)

        Ambassador  /  Ahmed  Rashid  Khattabi,  Assistant  Secretary  General,
        Head of the Media and Communication Sector.
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