Page 6 - Pulselinks - Intro Slides
P. 6

Key Features

                                                                                                              Information In-Control

                                                                  Built with your information needs at the forefront:
                 “Document” Concept

                                                                  ➢ Integrating external data into Pulselinks system
       Allows building of documents to

       collect and publish information                            ➢ Managing data for events in an integrated manner from start to finish


                                                                  ➢ Integrating data from one doc to another/Fully shared data across events
       ➢ Simple to use

                                                                  ➢ Export data to corporate systems
       ➢ Sophisticated rule processing                                             (not just pull APIs but ability to custom configure data push)

       ➢ Capabilities to manage data with

           unsurpassed ease and control                                                                   Information Where Needed

                                                                  ➢ Publish events to a dedicated portal with a customer specific URL
       ➢ Define and manage workflows

           for every step of the process
                                                                  ➢ Configurable dashboards

                                                                  ➢ Configurable reporting, including compliance reporting of costs & fees for HCPs

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