Page 22 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
P. 22

WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

            Sponsorship Products in Amsterdam

              Congress guide (7,000 copies*)

               OUTSIDE BACK COVER AND INSIDE FRONT COVER**                             BOOKMARK**                            INVITATION PAGES**
               The congress guide is an indispensable pocket programme which is distributed to all   A practical tool to mark pages in the congress   The congress guide invitation pages are
               delegates onsite. It includes the full congress programme, practical information, congress   guide, a great tool to win exclusive visibility.   a detailing of your exhibition activities
               and exhibition map as well as a detailed industry programme chapter.    The bookmark is particularly appreciated as   or industry sponsored sessions. These
                                                                                       it can be brought home from the congress.  pages are printed in the congress guide
                                                                                                                             and  will  be  made  available  to  each
                                                                                       One side is branded by the sponsor, the
                                                                                       other one contains EASL content.      delegate onsite.

                15,000 €                           15,000 €                             12,500 €                              5,000 €
                Outside back cover                 Inside front cover                   Bookmark                              Invitation page

               Illustrations are non-contractual 

            * Final number of printed copies may vary accordingly to onsite delegates numbers.
            ** For disease awareness and corporate messages. No product advertisement allowed.

                CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES: see page 35-36                                                                                
                 ORDER DEADLINE: 21.03.2025                                                                                                        #EASLCongress    22
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