Page 36 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
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WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

            Guidelines and Conditions

               INDUSTRY SPONSORED SESSIONS                     EXHIBITION                                        MEETING ROOMS

              Satellite symposia during lunch are limited to no more   Companies exhibiting at EASL Congress with a booth benefit   Meeting rooms at the EASL Congress are exclusively
              than 5 sessions in parallel. EASL will monitor the industry   from preferential exhibitor prices for selected products listed   reserved to sponsors and exhibitors. Only companies
              programme and avoid where possible topical overlaps.   in the current prospectus. Non-exhibitor prices are available   qualified as such are entitled to book meeting rooms.
              As sponsors are solely responsible for their programs   upon request.                             Meeting rooms will be assigned for the entire congress
              and define topics at later stage, EASL can only ensure a                                          duration, in line with the sponsor ranking.
              clear and transparent communication during the process   Stand spaces will be assigned in line with the sponsor
              and alert companies on potential overlaps timely. EASL   ranking. An early fee applies to all orders applications   The meeting rooms are delivered by default with boardroom
              recommends not to schedule more than 2 sessions with   submitted by 17 September 2024. The standard fee applies   set up. The number and capacity depend on the room size.
              similar topics in parallel.                     for all applications submitted as of 18 September 2024.
                                                              Exhibitor badges are determined according to the floor   Additional room set up or material can be purchased by
              Industry satellite experts are reserved to Industry satellite   space allocation.                 the sponsor via the webshop of EASL supplier.
              symposium organisers. Only companies who organise a
              lunch symposium are entitled to book a session slot during   General exhibitor badges will not allow access to the scientific
              the coffee breaks.                              sessions of the congress except for the sessions sponsored
                                                              by the exhibitor. Scientific exhibitor badges will allow access
              Industry workshops are a session format limited to Imaging   to the scientific sessions of the congress.
              and device companies and aim at providing additional   Price for additional general exhibitor badges (non-scientific):
              educational and interactive activities near the Exhibition   200 € excluding VAT. Additional purchase of exhibitor badges
              area. Intearctivity and other services from those included in   are limited by the registration office.
              the offer for industry sponsored sessions, must be ordered
              with the suppliers directly.                    All exhibitors will benefit from a basic exhibitor profile on the
                                                              online EASL Congress platform, premium online stands can
                                                              be purchased as an upgrade. Deadline to finalise all online
                                                              profiles is 13 April 2025.

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