Page 11 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
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      WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

            Industry Sponsored Sessions

            Industry sponsored sessions are a highly valuable and much appreciated activity that industry partners are invited to organise at the
            EASL Congress. It’s a valuable opportunity to engage with delegates by sharing latest scientific discoveries, presenting key data and
            perspectives from the industry. 3 different session formats are available at EASL Congress:

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            Industry Satellite SYMPOSIA           70,000 €    Industry Satellite EXPERTS            25,000 €   Industry WORKSHOPS                    30,000 €

            60 min slots during lunch breaks                  30 min slots during coffee breaks                Package of 4 slots of 45 min
            180 – 2,500 pax lecture rooms                     70 pax lecture rooms                             50 pax session room
            AV, furniture                                     Furniture, microphone and flipchart              Furniture and AV

            Satellite Symposia offer a maximum outreach onsite and are   Satellite Experts are exclusive sessions with selected experts   Interactive workshops with tutorial and hands-on atmosphere
            held in fully equipped lecture rooms.             from the field. The format allows to discuss in an exclusive   for applied and practical learning sessions in close vicinity to
                                                              frame a specific topic from either an upcoming or previous   the exhibition area.
                                                              Satellite Symposium. This format is complementary to Satel-
                                                              lite Symposia which are a condition for bookings of Satellite
                                                              Expert sessions.

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