Page 16 - SDG Report
P. 16
Central to transitioning from MDGs to SDGs, was all about government’s approach to sustainability, however that has also changed to all of society approach with an emphasis on localizing the goals and targets.
South Africa has evolved its conceptual view of sustainability and is reflected in the National Sustainable Strategy model. The model puts the ecosystem at the centre with a limit and you cannot exceed that ecosystem. The social, political, and economic activities, projects, processes that one would have or rollout in the municipality, national or even provincial government must happen within the limitations of the ecosystems. The management and protection of the limitations to the ecosystem are underpinned by
good governance practices. It is within this conceptual model that the city aligned each of the SDGs to the sustainability components. The SDG 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, are the SDGs that have a direct relationship to ecosystems component. It is understood that there could be multiple relationships between the SDGs and the sustainability components however in the mapping exercise the city captured the primary relationship SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 would align to the social political realm with SDGs 8,9,10 relating to the economy and SDGs 16 and 17 relating to good governance and partnerships. A similar mapping exercise can be extracted using either of the sustainability models identified above.
“Effectively the Imagine Durban Plan consolidated a vision of the city with associated timeframes, roles and responsibilities, as well as targets over a 50-year sustainable development path. ”