Page 7 - SDG Report
P. 7

 In 2001 the population of eThekwini was 3.09 million and has grown at an average annual percentage of 1.13% per annum to reach 3.44 million in 2011 as per the official country Census. The 2016 Community Survey indicates
a population of 3,7 million residents in the municipality. The annual population growth rate is similar to that of KZN but lower than the national growth rate of 1.5%. According to the 2016 Stats SA Community Survey 51% of the eThekwini population is comprised of females. The median age of the metro of 27 years is higher than that of KZN (22 years) and 10% higher than the figure for South Africa (25 years). 55% of the population is between the ages of 20 and 59 years, whilst 8% of the population is older than 60 years.
According to the 2016 Community Survey there are 1 222 127 households in eThekwini which is 169 052 more households since 2011. 81.5% lived in formal dwellings up from
79,0% in 2011. 13.3% of these households were living in informal dwellings, whilst 4.3% resided in traditional dwellings. The average household size slightly declined from 3.6 to 3.3 between 2011 and 2016, which is in line with the South African average.
42.1% of households in eThekwini were headed up by women, which was lower than the KZN average of 47.44% and slightly higher than the national average of 41.32%. 3 001 households were headed up by children younger than 18 years.
“Durban is home to the iconic Moses Mabhida Stadium which is designed as a sustainable recreational and multi- disciplinary sporting venue that represents the success
of the city and the country in being the first African country to host the FIFA Soccer World Cup in 2010.”

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