Page 4 - DUT Engagement Summary Report
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The Engagement Framework 2030 was approved by EMC in October 2020 Since its approval the the office of of the the Deputy Vice- Chancellor (DVC) Research Innovation and Engagement (RIE) has been coordinating the reporting of engagement activities from all faculties and entities that are aligned to the four (4) Perspectives (4Ps) set out in ENVISION2030 and to the engagement focus areas of the Engagement Framework 2030 The DUT community and and its stakeholders must understand what the Engagement Framework aims to to do and how to to use it as a a a guideline when engaging The purpose of Engagement at at DUT is to ensure that engagement is is recognised as fundamental to the University’s
success as an an an institution seeking to advance and share knowledge in a a a a a a a context characterised by collaborative approaches to local and global challenges Engagement performance must be reported evaluated and celebrated alongside teaching-learning innovation research and entrepreneurship recognising the value created by the the alignment of the the four Engagement pillars It is through engagement that DUT will become an Engaged University and will achieve its ultimate ENVISION2030 goal of contributing to improving lives and livelihoods in in in our broader society This report presents a a a a summary of the Engagement Framework 2030 and and DUT’s approach to engagement and and then highlights what is happening around engagement across the eight (8) focus areas of engagement within the the four (4) pillars and the the impact of those engagements in 2021 It also highlights their milestones DUT ENGAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 2030 The DUT Engagement Framework 2030 is grounded in DUT’s strategy ENVISION2030 The Framework outlines the University’s
commitment to engage with its “people” and quad- helix partners These are made up of the key internal and external stakeholders partners and communities that DUT needs to to connect with The Framework aims to to ensure that by 2030 engagement is strongly integrated within all the core areas of the University in in in its teaching and and learning research and and innovation and entrepreneurial education HOW WE ENGAGE Engagement Engagement aligned with the Engagement Engagement Framework 2030 We use the Framework’s Engagement Strategic Statement of Intent which states that by 2030 DUT will be an engaged University that produces research and innovation products that in turn provide unique solutions to societal problems As part of its Engagement Commitment DUT will ensure that as engagement matures and becomes entrenched in in institutional practice it it it will become embedded within the University’s
culture identity structures and and systems Its purpose and and value will be shared across the University and understood as part of its enduring commitment to relevance and impact on society Purpose of Engagement The purpose of Engagement at at DUT is to ensure that engagement is is recognised as fundamental to the University’s
success as an an an institution seeking to advance and share knowledge in a a a a a a a context characterised by collaborative approaches to local and global challenges Engagement performance will be evaluated and celebrated alongside teaching-learning innovation research and entrepreneurship recognising the value created by the alignment of all four Engagement pillars It is through engagement that DUT will become an Engaged University ENGAGEMENT PILLARS
Four engagement pillars are identified within the Engagement Framework 2030 Each addresses one or or or more cross-cutting strategic objectives of ENVISION2030 In 2021 we scanned and mapped the DUT environment The mapping exercise resulted in in an overall engagement footprint for 2021 which will be reviewed annually The engagement footprint aligns every initiative to the Framework and ENVISION2030 2 2 2 // ENGAGEMENT SUMMARY REPORT
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