Page 256 - CAO_handbook_2025 Entry 2
P. 256

               ANT (INTUTHWANE)
          Ants are incredible creatures. They live in large colonies, working extremely hard for the common good. They can carry ten times their own weight and build huge structures.
Some people, like ants, are very helpful to others and do practical things to keep society organised and running smoothly. Ant people are often good administrators, and can organise an office, a social function or a business well. Whether working with facts or figures or helping others, Ant people are usually fair and objective. Justice is important to them.
Ant people are very good at working with detailed, factual information, and remembering facts. They follow directions well when doing complicated work.
They can be objective and logical. Ant people play an important role in holding society together through good and bad times.
Statistics show that Ant people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination, you could probably succeed at almost anything.
Accounting, Financial Management ....45 Administration .......................................66 Agriculture/Nature Conservation .........74 Construction/Surveying ........................81 Crime Prevention/Security ....................85 Education................................................88 Engineering ............................................98 Housing Development......................... 115 Human Resources/Industrial Relations .. 117 InformationTechnology and Computer Science .................................................126 Management and Planning.................150 Manufacturing......................................173 Medicine, Medical Technology ............ 174 Para-medical ........................................180 Public Relations and Marketing..........184 Science and Mathematics...................193 Services to the Community ................208 Social Sciences/Legal Services...........210 Technology and Processing ................215 Tourism/Hospitality..............................216 Transport ..............................................224 Visual Arts and Design ........................226
Bees work hard to gather pollen to make honey, and they care for their queen and their babies.
Unlike bees, Bee people do not often sting! They are warm, friendly people, who like to be of service to others. They care about people’s feelings and they like harmony in relationships. Although they may be either shy or outgoing, their focus on the practical needs of others is central to their character.
Bee people are practical, and they like to approach tasks in a step-by-step way. They are often found organising social and community events. In their approach to the world, Bee people may be matter-of-fact, and when making decisions, they are likely to take into account how others will be affected by the outcome.
Statistics show that Bee people often succeed at these careers. However, with enough interest and determination, you could probably succeed at almost anything.
Accounting, Financial Management ....45 Administration .......................................66 Agriculture/Nature Conservation .........74 Construction/Surveying ........................81 Crime Prevention/Security ....................85 Education................................................88 Engineering ............................................98 Housing Development......................... 115 Human Resources/Industrial Relations .. 117 InformationTechnology and Computer Science .................................................126 Management and Planning.................150 Manufacturing......................................173 Medicine, Medical Technology ............ 174 Para-medical ........................................180 Public Relations and Marketing..........184 Science and Mathematics...................193 Services to the Community ................208 Social Sciences/Legal Services...........210 Technology and Processing ................215 Tourism/Hospitality..............................216 Transport ..............................................224 Visual Arts and Design ........................226
 CAUTION:There are exceptions, but most Ant people may not be comfortable in the following careers: • Performing Arts • Communication/ Journalism • Psychology

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