Page 28 - DUT Annual Report 2023
P. 28
In terms of the Regulations for Reporting by Public Higher Education Institutions, the Annual Report must contain the Senate’s Report to the Council for the relevant year. The Senate Report comprises the composition of the Senate, an overview of significant developments in teaching and learning, an outline of the student body (size and shape, academic progress), and staff and student achievements. It also includes the research and innovation-related details of research outputs and achievements, engagement and entrepreneurship.
Composition of the Senate
1. Vice-Chancellor and Principal (Chairperson of Senate)
2. Deputy Vice-Chancellors
3. Executive Deans of Faculties
4. Deputy Deans of Faculties
5. Heads of Academic Departments or Schools
Other staff as stipulated in the institutional rules
(I) Dean of Students
(ii) Director: Research & Postgraduate Support
(iii) Director: Technology Transfer & Innovation
(iv) Director of Library Services
(v) Director: CELT
(vi) Director: International Education & Partnerships
(vii) Director: Co-Operative Education
(viii) Senior Director: Centre for Quality Promotion & Assurance (CQPA)
(ix) Centre Director: Midlands
(x) Director: Short Course Unit
7. All permanent, full-time adjunct, associate, and full professors
8. Three students appointed by the SRC at least one of whom must be a PG student, and at least one of whom must be a member of the SRC
9. Two members of council elected by council who are neither staff nor students; 10.
Two members of Council, who are neither staff nor students, elected by Council
Such other persons as invited by senate who shall be non- voting members:
10. Chief Risk Officer
11. Senior Director: Institutional Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
12. Advisor and Executive: Institutional Review, Office of the Vice-Chancellor
In attendance (non-voting):
13. Registrar (Secretary to Senate)
14. Deputy Registrar
Creativity, Innovation and Engagement in Teaching and Learning
The DUT’s steadfast commitment to ensuring its “Creativity and Innovation shapes adaptive graduates who transform society” was enacted in its advancement of scholarly and contextually relevant curricula. The university acknowledged that such a philosophy of education requires capacity development of staff and students, curriculum transformation, and enhancement of institutional teaching and learning structures, culture and agency.