Page 33 - Parliament Budget Office Annual Report 2022-2023
P. 33

       International and Continental PBO related stakeholder engagements
Engagements with Uganda PBO, Tanzania PBO and Somalia PBO
· In line with the strategic objective of strengthening strategic relations with fellow PBOs from the continent, the PBO hosted the Uganda Parliamentary Budget Office in Cape Town where the two offices exchanged best practices on technical and organisational matters. The Office also had a stint interaction with the Tanzanian Parliamentary Budget Office during their visit to South Africa.
· The Director of the PBO also had an engagement with the newly appointed Director of the Somalia Parliamentary Budget Office, who was keen to learn best practices from the South African PBO.
African Network of Parliamentary Budget Offices (AN PBO)
· Numerous virtual meetings were held with other African PBO Offices with the objective of planning for the hosting of the 5th AN-PBO conference by the Kenya Parliamentary Budget Office in 2023.
14th Meeting of the OECD Network for Parliamentary Budget Offices (PBO's) and Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFI's)
· The Director of the PBO participated at the above meeting in Dublin, Ireland during
the reporting period.
Study visit to South Korea: The Standing Committee on Appropriations
· During the reporting period, Dr. Jantjies was part of parliamentary officials who accompanied the Standing Committee on Appropriations on a study visit to South Korea. Dr. Jantjies also separately with his counterpart in the Korean National Assembly Budget Office (NABO), Director of the NABO.
   Intergovernmental relations in the legislative sector
At the invitation of the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature (ECPL), the Director of was requested to make a presentation at the ECPL capacitation workshop for the newly established Budget Committee. The PBO agreed to render the support to the legislature as requested.
   Stakeholder engagements with key national departments and/or constitutional institutions
During the reporting period, the Director of the PBO held meetings, amongst other high-level stakeholders, with the Auditor-General, Statistician-General (Stats South Africa), Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), National Planning Commission (NPC) and other key stakeholders.
     Other key highlight(s)
During the reporting period, the PBO was bestowed with a Standard Bank Top Women award where the Office was recognized as leading the legislative sector in women empowerment, more specifically in a very technical and highly analytical field. This programme annually recognises over 10 000 women entrepreneurs in Africa. The Standard Bank Top Women is South Africa’s leading gender-empowerment publication, listing and celebrating visionary organisations that prioritise gender empowerment.
      Performance information at a glance: actual no of performance outputs produced, 2022/23 FY.
  25 20 15 10
5 0
Reporting Period per Quarter
Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Snapshot: Annual Performance information
            Quarter 1
  Actual no of performance outputs produced

   31   32   33   34   35