Page 31 - KZN Film A Report
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           than it did on film productions. KZNFC, long term strategy is however to ensure that more funds are directed to production projects as this is the where the most impact in terms of jobs creation and industry sustainability is achieved.
Number of Temporary Jobs Created
through KZNFC Film Fund
187 temporary jobs were created during the financial year. This was partly due to the funding of the COVID-19 slate
projects that went into production as well as the Made for TV projects. However, the short window period for shooting productions in the province due to COVID-19 affected the number of temporary jobs created which would have been higher as several productions were placed on hold.
The following performance indicators were discontinued due to COVID-19 restrictions on travelling and gathering:
• Number of co-productions within the African continent
• Number of international productions shooting in KZN.
Key Performance Indicators, Planned Targets and Actual Achievements
High-level Review of Performance Information
 Outcome: Increased participation of KZN crew in productions funded by KZNFC as a result of training programmes and Policy Promotion
 Performance Indicator
  Actual Achievement 2019/2020
  Planned Target 2020/2021
   Actual Achievement 2020/2021
   Deviation from planned target to actual achievement
   Percentage of temporary KZN crew employed on KZNFC funded projects
 This target has not
been achieved. The use of timesheets instead
of invoices for some projects resulted in those projects not being included as the means of verification required invoices.
 Number of learners trained in film-related courses
   The annual target has been exceeded. This
is due to a training programme held in 2019/20 been concluded in the 2020/21 year.
   Percentage of Temporary KZN Crew
Employed on KZNFC Funded Projects
This is a new indicator and was the only target that has not been achieved during the year under review. As stated in the comments, the use of timesheets instead of invoices for some projects resulted in those projects not being included as the means of verification required invoices. This challenge has been addressed and communication will be sent to all filmmakers to ensure consistency in the reporting process going forward.
Number of Learners Trained in Film-
related Courses
There were 148 people trained in various aspects of the film industry during the financial year. The annual performance target was exceeded even though most of the training programmes only started in the second quarter of the financial year and resulted due to the carryover of last year programme which concluded in 2020/21.

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